100 Words, Write

100 Words — Wildflower Picking…

flowers-1283960_1280Saturday morning, we are away from home with no laundry to do or projects to take on around the house.  My eleven year old daughter wants to take a walk and pick wildflowers with me this morning. — Not going to say no to that!

100 Words:  

She wanted to pick wildflowers. And so we padded up the country road, her tiny hand in mine, seeking out weedy bits of color. We’d pinch some off by the stems and others would come up entirely — flowers, stems and thready clumps of dirt where they’d been anchored to the ground. We chatted about nothing and noticed the delicacy of the petals as we pulled. Lacy bits of white with furry balloon petticoats, bright purple tear drops laddering up leafy stalks, clusters of tiny yellow petals on spidery green legs. She smiled, skipped and gave me kisses on my cheeks.